Know How to Save to Save Your Life
People who are nice, honest, and rich without saving their money will eventually be poor. People who Know how to save money will avoid debt.
Image in the middle of Khong River
She was honored by a society to be a role model and a Dhamma-oriented teacher. She ordained as a renunciation or Brahmin nun every summer break. She seek the white path around Thailand and has been to all good temples. Why she ends up at Dhammakaya Temple? Let's follow.
While I was in my deep sleep at the back of the bus, I woke up with a jerk because a thief was taking my necklace from my neck. As I didn’t want to have problems, I got away from the thief by moving to sit in the front seat.
Getting ordained is the brightest moment in life
"Getting ordained is the brightest moment in life", said Pra Payungrit Palayutto. This monk was a singer and successful in his carreer before. Why did he say like this?
How to have the underlings’ love?
I have my own business, I have to take care of many employees. I’d like to ask Luang Phaw what I shall do to have the underlings’ love.
If we have to visit or take care of our relative who is seriously ill, how do we do to look after them or to motivate them to think positively?
I would like to ask a question, if we have to visit or take care of our relative who is seriously ill, how do we do to look after them or to motivate them to think positively?
Chinese Farmer Breeds Divine-Looking Pear
Miracle of Kathina Merit :- Day Case Surgery
He is a doctor. His wife was sick of submucous myoma. Who cured her and how was she better?
Tsunami Hit Coral Resort
The famous resort, “Coral Resort”, has been often used for meditation retreat. On 26th December 2004, Sunday morning, it got hit by the tsunami disaster. What caused this resort to be completely destroyed and what merit should the owner do to prevent from suffering losses in the future? What past kamma caused the resort staffs to die in this disaster and why some of them survived? DMC has the answers
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images.
สามี-ภรรยา นักสร้างบารมี ผู้ที่ทุ่มเทสร้างบารมีอย่างเต็มที่ ทั้ง ทาน ศีล ภาวนา และบุญพิเศษต่างๆ กับคุณครูไม่ใหญ่ ...สร้างองค์พระ และบอกบุญสร้างองค์พระกว่าสามพันองค์ ...ในยามที่เศรษฐกิจของบ้านเมืองวิกฤต ในยุค IMF พวกเขายังทุ่มเทเงินก้อนสุดท้ายเพื่อสร้างบุญ นับเป็นคู่บุญ คู่บารมี ตัวอย่างที่ดีของโลก...